
Exhibition "no polish"

After undergoing three stages of the experiment – from research phase No. 4591 to No. 4593 – result will reveal what lays beneath the key-words “no polish”. 

The research gently documented and investigated by ear the footprints of IT, whereas the sounds where heard through the feet of trackers.

The investigation of traces is quite a discreet action; thus, by camouflaging to hunt IT, the participants of the research have retrieved only vague signs to pass on to their descendants and ideological followers.

The exhibition will display the teamwork between the artists and the curator in a blanked out playfield, shielded from the game and final scores themselves.

The exhibition will be open until May 17th in the Latvian Centre of Contemporary Art Office Gallery. LCCA is open on working days from 12.00 to 18.00.

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