
  • Ehsan Ul Haq. I Love Morality. Site specific installation, 2017 # I Love Morality investigates the egotistical nature of human beings while also negotiating the idea of its own futile existence. Ul

Ehsan Ul Haq

I Love Morality investigates the egotistical nature of human beings while also negotiating the idea of its own futile existence. Ul Haq’s project is an attempt to depict humanity’s basic survival mechanisms by putting a spotlight on not only the relations between humans, animals and plants, for example, or humans and other humans, but also on the power gradients that make up these relations. Ul Haq reveals the human being’s manipulative nature, which is embedded in its wish to classify – to name, control, and subordinate. By exploring the natural history collections available on site, the project will search for potential alternatives: new ways by which human beings might exist in more equal relation with other living and non-living beings.