Action with 8 lectures and a cake. On 2 February 2011, deus ex machina appeared in the guise of Arabic TV news channel Al Jazeera English, to announce: “The Baltic nation of Latvia is blessed with some of the most beautiful forests in the world.” The world learnt that we, on the outskirts of the EU, have a treasure of global magnitude – our forests, which we so irresponsibly squander. Since then, a snowball effect built up in the public space – news and opinions on the fate of Latvian forests showed up in the media with increasing frequency. Marie Antoinette is said to have pronounced: “If they have no bread, let them eat cake!” At the festival we ate cakes like forests, and in our private conversations we came to wonder: What is it all about, and who calls the tunes? What matters, and what does not? Should the toad be swallowed? And who are we on the global map if we are noticed even in far-away Qatar?