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Lectures "Know-hows & Machines"

Mini-conference on critiques and alternatives to the post-industrial production.

- Introduction: a sound piece by Loreto Martinez Troncoso and Ewen Chardronnet

- Presentation “Micro-factoring: a new utopia?” Ewen Chardonnet (FR)

- Presentation “Meet my maker. The socio-economical implications of post-industrial industrialization” Karen van der Moolen (NL)

- Round table discussion with Vincent Guimas (FR), Johann Aussage (FR), Ewen Chardronnet (FR), Raitis Smits (LV), Janis Garancs (LV). In cooperation with Ars Longa, Studio Lo, Waag Society, RIXC, MpLab.

ARS LONGA (FR) is an organization in whose activities intersects art, research and interests of society. WAAG Society (NL) is an interdisciplinary digital media lab where in addition to research and development there is a space for experiments with new technologies, art and culture. STUDIO LO (FR) is an independent design agency that works with non-standard industrial products. RIXC (LV) is centre for new media arts. MpLAB (LV) is an art research laboratory, which operates under the University of Liepaja.