Techno-ecologies was a RIXC organised series of events, which resulted in a conference, a media art exhibition and a performance programme. During the SURVIVAL KIT festival two British artists’ work was demonstrated at two different locations in Riga. At LU Botanical Gardens the visitors saw Luke Jerram’s performance – interactive installation “Plant orchestra”, in which technologies were used to help us contact live nature. With the help of special microphones visitors were able to hear the sounds of plants – how water slowly trickles up the stems. Whereas at RIXC Media hall a duet of artists Semiconductor (Ruth Jarman and Jo Gerhardt) with their video installation “Heliocentric” spoke of the relationship among science, nature and technologies on a global scale, and show how scientific discoveries can affect the way we see the world.
The conception of techno-ecologies for the RIXC events was developed by Dutch media theorist Eric Kluitenberg, and based in French philosopher Felix Guattari’s concern that there is a serious lack of an integrated perspective regarding the dramatic techno-scientific transformations the Earth has lately.