
Education programme


Poster workshop with artist Luīze Rukšāne

September 7, 2024

Part of the Contemporary Culture Forum “White Night”

4 Amatu Street, at 18.00

In the poster workshop, we will learn how to make glue from simple kitchen ingredients, which we will later use to stick posters to the walls. In this workshop, we will also focus on the role of posters in Riga's urban environment and the development of poster design in Latvia, looking at various examples. After that, under the guidance of the artist Luīze Rukšāne, the children will create their own posters - tributes to a room at the venue of the Survival Kit exhibition at 4 Amatu Street. By making posters and pasting them on the walls, we will reflect on the history of the building, the possible future, as well as offer our own versions of what needs to be added to the premises.

Luīze Rukšāne obtained a bachelor's degree from the Latvian Academy of Arts and has been creating and participating in exhibitions since 2016. In her drawing technique, the young artist tries to "mark" specific events, strengthen them and draw attention to the superficiality and subjectivity of memories, studying the relationship between personal past experiences, society's collective memories and history. Luīze's works are included in the collection of the Latvian National Art Museum and in various private collections.

Duration: up to 1.5 hours

Entrance is free.

Applying to the workshop in advance is required by writing to

Creative workshop for children with Līga Spunde

September 15, 2024

4 Amatu Street, 12.00

During the workshop, you will have the opportunity to create your own unique profile of a rīdzinieks - a Riga resident - together with artist Līga Spunde. What does a rīdzinieks look like? What music do they listen to? What profession do they work in? What is the message of one Riga citizen to others? Together we will create characters that will make us acknowledge the diversity and richness of our society in a witty and sincere way. The works will be created as paper and cut-out collages, using both materials prepared by artist Līga Spunde and elements created by the participants.

The artist Līga Spunde creates multimedia installations in which personal stories are closely intertwined with carefully crafted fiction. In them, interpretations and the use of recognisable images serve as an extension of personal experience, thereby, reaching out to universally known truths. Most often, the content of the work determines the physical form of the intention, which is why the installations use a wide variety of media and materials.

Duration: up to 1,5 h

Free admission for participants and accompanying persons.

Advance registration is required by writing to


Art therapy with Lība Bērziņa

4 Amatu Street

This time we invite adults who would like to explore themselves through contemporary art and creativity to take part in our art therapy workshops. The sessions will focus on themes such as stories, measuring your emotions and the "I" in the past, present and future, otherwise – where I come from and where I am going. Art therapy techniques will be used.

Lība Bērziņa is an art therapist and inclusion expert with many years of experience in project management. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Art with a qualification in Graphic Design from the University of Latvia and a Master's degree in Art Therapy from Riga Stradiņš University. She has also gained international experience in art therapy in Poland and has participated in several projects and trainings abroad (Turkey, Italy, Spain, etc.), mainly related to working with mixed groups (people with different types of disabilities; visual, hearing and mobility impaired, etc.), inclusion, art, improvisation and circus techniques in non-formal education. Lība is also an ambassador for diversity and the arts in Latvia.

Session times:

24 September, 2024, at 17.30
26 September, 2024, at 17.30
1 October, 2024 at 17.30

Duration: up to 1,5 hours

The sessions will be held in a closed group (maximum 12 participants) and participants must be able to attend all three workshops. Advance registration is required by writing to


Creative Workshops with Ieva Stalšene

September 17, at 15.30 (full group)

September 24, at 15.30 (full group)

4 Amatu Street

Continuing the initiative to ensure accessibility for different groups of society, Survival Kit 15 will feature two creative workshops that will be adapted for people with mental disabilities, led by artist Ieva Stalšene.

During the workshop, the theme of the festival, "Measures", will be explored through collage-making techniques. Participants will learn the basic principles of composition, using materials of different sizes, shapes and colours to create an imaginary cityscape. The workshop will be accompanied by conversations about what they would desire in the city and what already exists, as well as about the interaction and coexistence of all that is different.

Free admission for participants and accompanying persons.

Attention! Applications have closed!


October 1, 2024

Guided tour of the exhibition with sign language interpretation
4 Amatu Street, 15.30

People with hearing impairments and deaf people are invited to visit the exhibition with an art mediator and a sign language interpreter. During the tour you will have the opportunity to ask questions about contemporary art and engage in a discussion about the themes of the exhibition.

Duration: 60 minutes

Free admission for participants

No prior booking required

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