
White Night programme

White Night programme “Night Measures”
September 7
 Amatu Street 4, E. Smiļģa Street 34a, 18.00 - 2.00

As part of the Contemporary Culture Forum "White Night" programme, on September 7th, 2024, Survival Kit 15 will offer a special programme of events – "Night Measures" – at two festival addresses - Amatu Street 4 and E. Smiļģa Street 34a. 

Survival Kit 15 exhibition “Measures” is open from 18.00 until 23.00 at all three festival venues –Amatu Street 4, E. Smiļģa Street 34a, and Strazdu Street 4. 

“Night Measures” programme at Amatu street 4

Performance by Gerds Lapoška "Night Measures"

18.00-19.30 Poster workshop for children with artist Luīze Rukšāne

In this workshop, participants will focus on the role of posters in Riga's urban environment and the development of poster design in Latvia, looking at various examples. After that, under the guidance of the artist Luīze Rukšāne, children will create their own posters - tributes to any room at the venue of the Survival Kit exhibition at Amatu Street 4. By making posters and pasting them on the walls, we will reflect on the history of the building, the possible future, as well as offer our own versions of what needs to be added to the premises.

In the poster workshop, we will learn how to make glue from simple kitchen ingredients, which we will later use to stick posters to the walls.

19.00-20.00 Excursion in the exhibition "Measures" led by art mediators

20.30-21.15 Performance by Jaana Laakkonen

22.00-22.45 Performance by Lou Mouw and Isabella Solar Villaseca

23.00 - Dj Lū

“Night Measures” programme at E. Smiļģa Street 34a

17.30-19.30 Performance by Malin Arnell and Mar Fjell

20.00-23.00 Art workshops for interested people of all ages
The program is created by the youth of the Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art Volunteer Program.

20.00 Dīvs Jankavs
Abstract thinking studio "Water is present".
As part of the creative process, the workshop participants' ability to symbolically represent an idea in seemingly unsuitable, generalized conditions will be promoted.

20.00 Violeta Kokoreviča
Meditative art process "Flow of Associations".
While painting together on a sheet of street-length paper, the participants of the workshop will be invited to indulge in their personal associations and memories of particularly vivid experiences, nature observations.

21.00 Karina Šumkova
Photo walk, interactive collage workshop.
The workshop/photo walk will focus on the interaction between man and the city. The participants will create a dialogue between themselves and the urban environment, studying and capturing it in different realities in life, photography and projections.

22.00 Kate Rune, Katrīna Purviņa
Character building lesson "Embodying water".
The attendees will jointly develop unpredictable, imaginative and poetic scenarios that will involve water - as an independent character of the story outside of its usual utilitarian functions.

The programme of the“Night Measures” events takes place as part of the Contemporary Culture Forum “White Night”. It is organised by the Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art and it is supported by the Riga Municipality. All of the “White Night” events can be found on the website Entrance is free.
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