
Survival Kit 9

The international contemporary art festival Survival Kit 9

Curated by Jonatan Habib Engqvist, Solvita Krese and Inga Lāce

08/09 - 01/10/2017

Kronvalda bulvaris 4, Riga

Becoming an Apricot * an Apple * a Crow * a Tree * a Cockroach * a Glacier * a Plant * a Mushroom * a Shell * a Bird * Algae

Survival Kit 9 was directed towards the broadening of perception and learning from nature.

The intertwined relationship between nature and culture might be better understood by looking at the politics of nature throughout history. Can art encourage us to think beyond this division? Could viable alternatives to the conditions of the present day be found by embracing the embodied knowledge of other species or types of being? Learning by becoming – whether becoming a plant, an animal, or a mineral – allows us different sensibilities. Survival Kit 9 proposed future ecologies in which equality and rights are not limited to humankind.

Can we develop a more holistic understanding of the world by avoiding human-centered learning processes and empathizing with other forms of existence? We live in a time characterized by populism, shortsighted nationalism and the ongoing exploitation of nature. Survival Kit 9 began from tactile and tacit experiences in order to seek the potential of alternative ways of learning and perceiving. Rather than staking claim to alternative facts, the festival wished to introduce elements of doubt – embracing the humility of not knowing while remaining willing to learn.

There was a time when I was truly nervous. Now I’m on a new track:

I put an apple on the table. Then I can put myself in the apple. What peace!

Henri Michaux, “Magic: Part 1”1

Artists: Maria Thereza Alves, Laurie Anderson, Jonathas de Andrade, Lotta Antonsson, Hildur Bjarnadóttir, Juris Boiko, Andris Eglītis, Ieva Epnere, Annika Eriksson, Andris Grinbergs / Laima Žurgina, Jim Holyoak, Nona Inescu, Britta Marakatt-Labba, Christine Ödlund, Jean Painlevé, Andrej Polukord, Krišs Salmanis, Ehsan Ul Haq, Nomeda & Gediminas Urbonas, James Webb, Gernot Wieland, Wong Kit Yi.

Festival design: Associates, Partners et Sons

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