
Maider Lopez

Making Ways

Video installation, 23:44 and 2:15 min, 2013

For her work Making Ways (Istanbul Biennial 2013) Lopez filmed the traffic at Karaköy (Istanbul) recording pedestrian movement at this busy junction, to produce a video work and a manual of behaviour for passers-by based on the typification of the routes. She explores how such a space of movement, in which thousands of people converge on a daily basis, can operate through coexisting, understanding and making new routes out of the predetermined rules (self organized pedestrians generate a collective way dealing with obstacles and spatial contradictions), and how people flow on the routes determined by pedestrians as an alterna- tive to the thoroughfare’s regulations. (Övül Durmuşoğlu / Fragment from text originally published in the 13th Istanbul Biennial Guide (Istanbul: Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV), 2013)

Artist's Bio: 

Maider López was born in 1975 in San Sebastian, Spain where she lives and works. She graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts at University of the Basque Country, Bilbao (1998) and received an MFA from Chelsea College of Art and Design, London (1999). Lopez enjoys creating interventions in spaces, situations and architecture. Her works often involve the active participation of the viewer, and can take the unprepared by surprise, as an aspect of a familiar space is mischievously highlighted or altered. She has exhibited extensively throughout Europe and aboard, including, at the 51st Venice Biennale (2005).