
Anna Volkova


Photography, 2015

Anna Volkova’s work compares the study of daily events or objects from a viewpoint of a photo editor to that of the game of secrets commonly played by children. A secret or "секретик" (from Russian) is created in a place known only by its creator where a small flower composition or an object is concealed in the ground and covered with a piece of glass. A heap of sand is layered onto it so that no one could find it. The owner of the secret would be the only person who knows the location often showing it only to his best friends. The objects captured by the photographer become treasures desired both by the photographer himself and the others, likewise the composition hidden behind the shatters of a bottle in the children’s game of secrets.

Artist's Bio: 

Anna Volkova has studied French philology at University of Latvia and sociology at the University of Tunisia. The first publication of her photos was in the journal Rīgas Laiks in 2001. Since then she also participates in text group Orbita photo actions either as an author or a photo editor. The author has received Antalis Special Mention for making a book Temporary Need in Self Publish Riga Competition.