
Ginta Tinte Vasermane

Supportive structures

Video installation, 2015

In her  videos she tries to create an existence with its own rules and logic. Artist plays with relationships between bodies, architecture, the space of the frame and their limits and elasticity (expansion). Composing movements in a specific rhythm, that can become irrational and possible at he same time, work questions who we are and what we do in specific locations. With light irony and poetic methods. Vasermane plays with a subject through staged scenarios. All the videos are connected to each other in order to create a narrative network reflecting on society and the conditions under which people live in social contexts.

Artist's Bio: 

Ginta Tinte Vasermane has born in Riga (Latvia), received M.A. from the Netherlands Film Academy and B.F.A. from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy. Works and lives in Amsterdam. Has been nominated for Mondriaan Funds Young Talent grant, 2013 and to Rene Coelho prize by Dutch Media Art Institute, 2010. Participated in artist residency at Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, New York. Works in art initiative F.L.O.A.T. While using mediums like moving image, film, installation and performance, her current works examines human behavioural and gestural codes in public places, our own created rules and roles, the relation of bodies to space and in diverse structures.