
Johanna Lecklin


Video, 4.48 min, 2007

A Summer Job

Video, 6.56 min, 2009

Tomorrow is a short film about how a child understands abstract concepts. A little girl is wondering about what tomorrow is. She asks her father what it means and when she can see tomorrow. She tries to stay awake till midnight in order to see today change into tomorrow. She gets very disappointed when she realizes that it is not possible to see tomorrow.

A Summer Job is story of a disastrous summer job experience. Three persons with different English accents tell the same story on the video. A woman with black hair and glamorous clothes starts the story, a black young girl continues and a Russian man finishes the story. The choreographer and the dancers were sent to a little town in Italy, where they ended up in the hands of the mafia and make an unbelievable escape in the story.

The story has been recorded within Lecklin’s project Story Café where the visitor gets a free coffee in exchange for a story, the stories are recorded on video, some of them - dramatised into short films, and later screened in locations where the Café takes place.

Artist's Bio: 

Lecklin has graduated with a master’s degree from the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts 2003 and from Helsinki University 2008. She is doing her doctoral studies at the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts and at Helsinki University. She has studied at the Fine Art Media department at Slade School of Fine Arts, UCL in London 1998–99. Lecklin lives and works in Helsinki, Finland.