
Sandra Strēle


Installation, 2015

The idea of the installation „Collecting” is to show a personal observation of a peoples’ and the author’s attachment to things, continuous thoughts about them and collecting and keeping too many belongings. The work focuses on a marginal image of a ‘hoarder’. His characteristics, habits and actions can be seen in the illustrations and narratives of the large scale paintings. When we change our accommodations or reorganize it, we realize that the amount of things we own has increased again. Nevertheless, there is an unstoppable desire for a new computer or new piece of clothing, even if the previous one is still good enough.

Artist's Bio:

She has graduated from Art Academy of Latvia, Department of Painting in 2014. The artist spent one term in an exchange program at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerpen. She has received the grant from Boris and Ināra Teterev Foundation in 2012 and ‘Brederlo von Sengbusch Art Award’ in 2014. Sandra Strēle has organized several solo exhibitions and also participated in group exhibitions and residences in Italy, Belorussia, Estonia, Lithuania, Norway, India and Belgium.