The human brain's inherent habit to seek patterns and correlations can be harmful, particularly when applied to our understanding of the human experience. What does a 'millennial' born in 1981 have in common with one born in 1996? Can an individual truly be considered part of the "Internet" generation if they only gained access to it when they entered university?
In this discussion, we aimed to similarly delve into the intricate threads of the concept of "blackness," whose narratives, often borrowed from the influential pop-culture juggernaut, the USA, may appear incongruous and out of context in Latvia. The experience of growing up in an independent Latvia varies for the second-generation "Afro-Latvians" compared to those who arrived during the USSR era. Settling in Latvia during the second decade of the 21st century presents a markedly different experience than living through the formative years of a nascent country. Distinct origins (or lack thereof), contextual disparities, and varying mindsets collectively contribute to the challenge of discussing the "black" community in Latvia. This conversation was an attempt to find common ground between three strangers and to postulate their feelings of belonging or alienation from the broader society, from a standpoint of this newly created definition.
The discussion was moderated by Žulijens Nuhums Kulibali - a film curator, lecturer and publicist from Riga. He has lent his expertise to several prominent festivals, such as the Riga International Film Festival (RIGA IFF), Riga International Short Film Festival 2ANNAS, as well as the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival in Estonia (PÖFF). In conjunction with his curatorial work, he has actively participated in the production of various art events in collaboration with Kino Bize, and the Homo Novus Contemporary Theatre Festival. Presently, he serves as a project manager and film publicist for the contemporary culture NGO "Ascendum".
The discussion was followed by a beautiful reunion concert, with the return to Riga of the musician Mahfood Al-Kaabi from the reggae and ska band Los Compadres, founded in the early 1990s by Roberts Gobziņš together with students of the Institute of Aviation from various African countries.
The event was part of the "Collective Community Movement" project. The project is implemented by the LCCA in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut in Riga and supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany