
Ala Younis

"Defunct Moving Image" (2023)

Video: 3 min, handmade paper flowers and drawings, small figurines made from plastic and clay

Ala Younis is an artist whose work is driven by research, encompassing curatorial and publishing ventures. The work "Defunct Moving Image" is based on a selection of newsreels from the Egyptian socialist president Gamal Abdul Nasser’s era. These archival moving images celebrated events such as bilateral visits by state officials, new industries in the Eastern Bloc, friendly football matches, floral exhibitions, a showcase focused on Lenin, and even a propaganda musical highlighting the iron and steel factory in Helwan, Egypt.

Through the exploration of the cinematic and social legacies of now-defunct states such as the USSR, GDR, and UAR (United Arab Republic, representing Egypt during Nasser's leadership), this installation, made out of flower compositions and small mises en scènes, offers commentary on the enduring influence of these legacies through industrial relationships, educational dynamics, and international alliances. 

/ Photo credit: Kristīne Madjare / Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art