"The Congress of Ghosts" (2023)
"The Congress of Ghosts" is the final manifestation of a collaborative process initiated by kuš! magazine, with the participation of comic artists with ties to Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, South Africa, and Mozambique among other countries. kuš! invited 20 artists to submit visual stories for the publication of the latest edition of š! magazine #48 themed “Ghosts”, allowing different interpretations – from thinking about the ghosts of Soviet or colonial pasts, racism or environmental calamities to personal ghost stories and ghosts as metaphors. Some of the artists who are part of the magazine are bringing their ghosts also to the third dimension and inhabiting the kiosks of the old market.
Oskars Pavlovskis, "Relikts"
Fabric, yarn, wood, plastic, paper, pencil
Anna Malicka, "LiNDRAxxx"
Linen, drawn thread embroidery
Isaac Zavale, "Jabu goes to Joburg"
Acrylic on canvas and cotton paper, mural
Mārtiņš Zutis, "Bouquet"
Plastic, air
Luntu Vumazonke, "Haunted"
Digital print
kuš! is an international comics publisher based in Riga, but just as with ghosts, sometimes people are not sure if it really exists.
/ Photo credit: Kristīne Madjare / Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art